Thursday, January 20, 2011

Welcome to Comp 101

This course is designed as a compromise between an online course and a traditional classroom experience. As such much of the work we do will be here on the blog site, on or the college portal.

This site is provided as a place for you to check your assignments, post homework responses and contribute to a discussion between you and your peers. Participation on this site is mandatory as it consists of one class session per week. If you don't make the assigned posting on time it will count as an absence. Furthermore, the quality and frequency of your posts here count towards your class participation grade.

Most of all I hope you find this resource a useful tool to air your opinions and post ideas in a free and fair atmosphere. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

In order to make a posting just click on the comment icon below my post. You can choose to type your answer in the text box or copy and paste from another document. When you are finished you click the publish post button and away you go.


  1. I will never forget the biggest lie that I ever told my mother because it was solely to protect my sister and myself from getting in trouble. When I was sixteen and my sister was fourteen we threw a full blown party while my mother was in Watertown with her boyfriend. She came back and knew that something wasn’t right in the house. I was at work when she got back so my sister was home alone and fearing the worst. She was getting nailed with tons of questions about what had happened and not letting any information out. She was used to lying to our mother, me not so much. I was the good child, I never did anything wrong, and this weekend I had screwed up really bad. My mother took our phones, all of our privileges, and in short everything that we had, she took away. I lied to her so many times about what had happened, and she knew I was lying. I have the worst tell when I lie. So anyways after lying for a good three days, I was so sick of it all that I finally just spilled everything that I could remember from that night. I completely broke down in tears; she hugged me and then asked me why I lied in the first place. I told her it was because I didn’t want to get in trouble, which was true; however, I was already in trouble. I knew that lying was wrong, I was raised knowing that fact yet, I couldn’t help falling into a bad cycle of lies due to the peer pressure of the situation. I lied not only to get out of trouble but also because it made me look cool and accepted to everyone who was at that party. My sister began to look up to more and more with all the lies that I told. However, the gut wrenching guilt and the dread of knowing that what I was doing was wrong began to eat away at me. I realized then at that point in time that lying was not something that I was ever going to do again.

  2. My job as a sound engineer and DJ sometimes puts me in situations that I do not completely agree with. Being a DJ, I work all kinds of events from weddings, to hockey parties, to college events and so on. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but sometimes I am put into situations that I am forced to engage people in that I don't agree with. For example, there have been times where I have been working an event solely for teenagers, and it's nothing but making out and dirty dancing. Of course I don't agree with that at all, but as part of my job I have to keep the crowd going. Sometimes I feel by playing the music, and engaging the crowd, I am enabling young teens to behave in a way that they shouldn't. Having ten children in my family, I have very strong values about children and the way they should behave. DJ-ing is my job, but if it was up to me, I wouldn't work events like those.

  3. The only instance that I can think of where I felt compelled to lie on behalf of others was when I found out somebody I've looked up to my entire life was sleeping with somebody elses wife. He had been a close family friend for as far back as I can remember, and I always thought he was such a good person. When I caught onto the situation, and was informed by people who knew what was going on, it felt like my entire world fell out of whack. I couldn't understand how someone I thought was such a good soul could make such a horrible decision, to step into someone Else's life and mess with it. Were they aware of the consequences that would blow up in their face if/when they were found out? Maybe not, or yet maybe they didn't care. When I was confronted and questioned by an elder about the situation, I couldn't bring myself to spill the secret. I lied and covered for them, avoiding the truth which definitely put a huge burden in my life. It was definitely selfish of me, but I couldn't, and didn't want to be the one who set their world on fire. I wish I had never obtained this filthy information, but I couldn't turn back time. Going to North Star at the time I informed my counselor of the situation and told her my discomfort in knowing it all. I felt better once I could get it off my chest. I did end up spilling their secret, but it didn't hurt anyone. To this day I try not to think about it. It angers me that he thinks he is getting away with these rancid acts, but I believe sooner or later someone will find out and he will have to deal with all he had done. Writing this, I say that I will just sit back and think "I told you so", or "you're getting what you deserve", but if/when it actually happens I will probably be there for them. This fact drives me crazy, but it makes me feel like I am a better person. Is that wrong?

  4. Some great examples here. Make sure you get them up on BoxNet in Word or open office format

  5. When i first started dating my current girl friend she was just getting out of an abusive relationship. When i met her she was being hit by her ex and verbally abused daily. she met me and we started talking and one thing led to another and she left him and we began our relationship, well her ex does not know how to take a hint he called her daily threatening to hurt himself if she didnt take him back. now to understand how this situation is related to the assignment I will first say when i was seventeen i got into a fist fight and ended up breaking someones jaw and serving six months in jail; after that i try to make it a point not to fight. One day my girlfriends ex showed up at her house when i answered the door he hit me; after being dazed for a second i found myself in a situation i didnt want to be in but i had no choice but to defend myself. i found myself in a full fledged fist fight once again when all was said and done I received a black eye and he was far less fortunate although we never were bothered by him again. Don't get me wrong i'm not bragging i wish this situation would have never happen but it did and it was unfortunate that i had to do something i did not want to.

    PS. sorry this post was so late i just moved and could not get internet to my new appartment until now also i did not remember my password i used for this account it was saved on my mac will not happen again.
