Essay Assignments

Argumentative Essay
This essay will require you to use the principles of Logos, Ethos and Pathos to develop an argumentative essay which defends or refutes Capital Punishment.  Your essay also needs make use of Deductive and Inductive reasoning while ensuring not to alienate your audience.  For this assignment you should assume an audience of your peers which means people will have opinions all over the spectrum.  Research will be an important component here as well and i expect that you will have three sources of research with a maximum of one internet source.  I highly recommend you make use of the databases.  You may wish to use Ed Koch's essay that we read as a model if you wish to write and essay which refutes the points of others. 
To be successful your essay should:
1.      Be at least 750 words typed and double spaced.
2.      Have clear thesis that you pursue throughout the essay
3.      Respond to specific elements of the articles you read
4.      Provide research from at least three  sources to provide backing for your argument.
5.      Be well organized and follow a clear logical pattern.
6.      Develop new and different ideas to those in the article.
7.      Be formatted using MLA citation.
8.    Be handed in no later than April 29th for full credit.

Definition Essay

The first essay of the semester will focus on a basic concept of argumentation as well as critical thinking and writing.  Definition is the foundation on which any good argument is based.  A writer must be able to clearly define: terms, concepts and ideas for the reader. 

For this assignment we will be creating a persuasive definition of a term using research to back up our opinion.  A complete list of possible terms for definition can be found on pg 403 of your text under the Writing Activity there. 

Your job will be to define this term using specific examples from research you conduct on the internet and  through the college's research databases.

To be successful on this assignment the writer will:
1.      Compose a well organized, interesting essay of at least 750 words.
2.      Use an identifiable thesis in the introduction and/or conclusion.
3.      Display proper sentences, grammar and mechanics.
4.      Create a clear definition for the reader.
5.      Hand in the assignment on time, typed and double spaced in a 12 size font. (Times New Roman or Arial)
6. Use 3 forms of research and document them using M.L.A. citation in your essay.

Comparison Essay

Ever wanted to be a food critic?  For this assignment we will be assuming the role of a food critic writing for a local rag such as The Adirondack Daily Enterprise.  Your job is to write about two local eateries in the same category for a comparative review.  Your audience will be resident of the Tri-Lakes Area so be aware of that in your review.
 The key with this essay is to establish a valid basis for comparison early on and then explain, in detail, how your comparison bears out.  There are three main purposes for comparison and you will need to clearly define what your purpose is in the essay before you begin.  Some examples are : One thing is better than another, Two things which appear to be similar are actually different, Two things which appear to be different are actually very similar.  It will also be very important for you to have a clearly defined thesis.
To be successful your essay should:
  • Have a clearly defined thesis present in your conclusion and possibly in your intro.
  • Have a valid basis for comparison
  • Clearly defined criteria and details
  • Exhibit a clear audience awareness
  • Be AT LEAST 500 words in length
  • Show evidence of revision through upload to Boxnet
  • Utilize the conventions of proper grammar and mechanics etc.
  • Have a final draft in no later than March 11th

Narrative Essay

The first graded paper of the semester is the narrative essay and it should be an easy way to start considering the subject will be a subject you are all experts in: you.  Make sure that you integrate rich description with a clear narrative order to keep your reader interested and on track.  As a part of the writing process everyone will be required to participate in a peer review session which will count as a part of the final assessment for this paper.  Failure to get your essay reviewed will cost you a full letter grade on the final draft.  The topic will be assigned from the readings we are doing this semester.

To be successful your essay will need:

  • Clear identifiable thesis which addresses the assigned topic.
  • Rich description using various sensory details
  • To be at least 750 words
  • Include a clear intro and conclusion
  • Utilize the conventions of proper grammar, mechanics etc.
  • To show evidence of revision through participation in peer review
  • Upload a copy to Boxnet for review
Elements of Narrative:
      What follows are the basic elements of any narrative piece.  Plato stated that Literature should instruct and also entertain.  Narrative is the genre of writing that most often fulills these expectations.  To this I would add that Literature ought to be original.   
  1. Chronological Organization
  2. First Person Perspective
  3. Rich Details and Description
  4. Details suggest Main Idea/Thesis